Subalpine Buckwheat Eriogonum subalpinum
- Knotweed Family
- Zones Mountaine to Subalpine/Alpine
- Months June to September
- Picture taken on 7-17-97
Shooting Star Dodecatheon pulchellum
- Primrose Family
- Zones Foothills to Subalpine/Alpine
- Months April to July
- Picture taken on 7-17-97
Parry's Primrose Primula parryi
- Primrose Family
- Zones Subalpine/Alpine to Subalpine/Alpine
- Months June to August
- Picture taken on 7-17-97
Bog Wintergreen Pyrola rotundifolia
- Wintergreen Family
- Zones Mountaine to Subalpine/Alpine
- Months June to September
- Picture taken on 7-17-97
Alpine Fireweed Chamerion subdentatum
- Evening Primrose Family
- Zones Mountaine to Subalpine/Alpine
- Months June to September
- Picture taken on 7-17-97